Zero to Hero (Ghost Buddy #1)

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The knob on the closet door is turning all by itself.  The arm of his red and white  baseball jersey is reaching out of the closet by itself.  Sixth grader Billy Broccoli is doing what any self respecting sixth grader would do.  He's hiding under the covers afraid to see any more.  Then the entire jersey floats out of the closet and starts floating around the room. 

 Billy Broccoli has just moved into a new house with his new stepsister and new stepdad.  It's bad enough he has to start over at a new school trying to make new friends and fit in.    Worse than that his next door neighbor, Rod Brownstone, is twice his size and spends his time spying on Billy's every move with binoculars gathering what he calls intel.

Billy is in for a shock when a fourteen year old boy named Hoove Porterhouse materializes in his room dressed in clothes from a hundred years ago.  Hoove is a ghost with attitude and with some problems of his own.  He just received his report card from the Higher Ups and it looks like Hoove may never get his greatest wish because his grades in Helping Others and Responsibility could use a little boost.

Rod Brownstone is really going to make Billy's life miserable even though Hoove is coaching Billy at home everyday and trying to teach him the rules of cool.

What is the best way to fight a bully who is determined to destroy your reputation and doesn't ever stop to think about how someone else might feel?

 978-0545298872    170 pages   Ages  7-10

Recommended by:  Barb,

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