Emily's Fortune

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Emily's Fortune

Well, yeehaw and a rootin-tootin good time will be had by all! Meet Emily Wiggins who lives in the house of the very proper and fastidious Luella Nash. Ms Nash is very particular and will barely allow Emily outside of the room she shares with her mother. As a result, Emily really doesn't know how to do anything. She can beat a rug and make the bed and that's about the size of it. But, tragedy strikes and both Emily's mother and the picky Ms. Nash lose their lives in an accident. Alone in the world, who can Emily turn to? Will it be her fate to fall into the hands of her greedy Uncle Victor or will she make her way to live with her kindly, loving Aunt Hilda? With the help of the Misses Ready, Aim and Fire, Emily hightails it out of town and heads for Hilda. Trouble lies ahead. But dingety dang by golly, that Emily finds herself a good friend, packs her turtle Rufus in a box and finds out just what she's made of. A yarn indeed and an old-fashioned adventure for sure. What a bedtime story it will be! Storytelling at its finest.

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