Selection Book 3 The One

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This is it.  This is the one we've been waiting for. We met her in The Selection and we watched her try to choose in The Elite and now we're going to ride to the big finish and find out exactly who she wants to be her man.

And we're going to find out which guy is actually worthy of her because by now, even though she is the one in the mix trying to be chosen, we have come to the point that we are deciding on her behalf who we think deserves her.

Our girl is America.  She's the one with the heart and the caring. In this world of upheaval and rebellion, America seems to be the only one who has clear vision. She doesn't cower when she has her moments in the spotlight either.

Every time our girl is put to the test something true and powerful rises up in her to guide her to the best decision.  It's so utterly satisfying to watch her in action hoping to learn something for ourselves.

But mostly we're keeping an eye on the rise and fall of the Prince and his shenanigans with the other "contestants."  So, he took Elise to his room did he?  Well, it's America he tugs his ear for.  Take that.

Lovely to watch the women honestly state their position to each other and come together in a circle of power. Women support each other like nobody's business when it's time.

Will the rebels get to the innermost sanctuaries of the castle?  Will the king ever cease in his manipulations that put American in a bad light time and time again?  Does Maxon really love America? Does she really love him?   Are they worthy of each other?

Get the chocolate ice cream or the wine or the bag of cookies..whatever your guilty pleasure is and kick back.  There is romance and sexual tension and friendship all rolled up together in this one like a giant Twinkie of yore.  Delicious and stressfree.  We need more of these.

978-0062059994  323 pages  Ages  12 and up

Recommended by:  Barb,

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