Stick Cat: A Tale of Two Kitties

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It's just another day in Stick Cat's world with his friend Goose heading off to work and his cat friend, Edith, squeezing herself through the wall under the bathroom sink to come and hang out with her pal.  The two cats have to decide if they're going to play Staredown, Treasure Hunt or maybe they'll save somebody's life.

Today, as Stick Cat and Edith are watching out the window, a cement truck crashes and there is a sound like thunder.  In fact, Edith is pretty sure it was thunder.  But Stick Cat looks up and sees the blue sky and knows it wasn't thunder.  He looks across the street into the window and sees Mr. Music caught in his piano.  His arms were trapped when the lid fell down.  Mr. Music can't move.  He can't get his arms out of the piano.

What can Stick Cat and Edith do?  Can they save Mr. Music?

Ages 7-11  78-0062411006  199 pages

Read Alikes: Stick Dog; Stick Dog Slurps the Spaghetti; Stick Dog Tries to Take the Donuts; Stick Dog Dreams of Ice Cream; Stick Dog Chases a Pizza; Stick Dog Wants a Hot Dog; Stick Cat: Cats in the City: Big Nate; Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Recommended by:  Barb Langridge,





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